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Peter Morée (ed.), Protestants in the 20th century between Faith, Dreams, and Power

Peter Morée and others
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Protestants in the 20th century between Faith, Dreams, and Power

Peter Morée (ed.), Protestants in the 20th century between Faith, Dreams, and Power

Kolektivní monografie autorů z Evropy a USA o vztahu východo- i západo-evropských protestantů ke komunistickému režimu s přihlédnutím k roli teologa J. L. Hromádky. Texty jsou v anglickém a německém jazyce. Vychází jako Communio viatorum 3/2012.

This book examines aims, motivations and hopes of Protestant theologians, church representatives and groups of the period of the Cold War for their decisions in the realm between church and state both parts of the divided Europe. Authors from various European countries and from the United States
bring case studies, critical analysis and eyewitness of events which concerned churches, the peace movement and political power. A special interest is paid to the Czech theologian Josef L. Hromádka and his wide international network.

PETER MORÉE, Protestants in the 20th Century between Faith, Dreams, and Power
JUHA MERILÄINEN, “WhoseDollar,HisReligion.” The WCC, the LWF and the Reconstruction of European Protestantism in the Early Cold War years, 1945–1948
ONDŘEJ MATĚJKA, A generation? A school? A fraternity? An army?
Understanding the roots of Josef Lukl Hromádka’s influence in the Czech Protestant milieu 1920–1948
PAVEL FILIPI, Das weltpolitische Dreieck in der Sicht Josef Lukl Hromádkas
JIŘÍ PIŠKULA, Zwischen Kirche und Staat. Spuren von Josef Lukl Hromádka in tschechischen Staatarchiven
PETER MORÉE, A Broken Man? Josef L. Hromádka in 1968 and 1969
CORNELIA VON RUTHENDORF-PRZEWOSKI, Die Kirchen in der DDR und die neuesozialistische Verfassung von 1968
KLAUS FITSCHEN, Von der Ostdenkschrift zu den Ostverträgen: Diskurse in der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland über die Entspannungspolitik Willy Brandts
ANDRÁS KORÁNYI, Zwei Herren dienen? Auf Wegen der Unsicherheit
vor und nach 1968 in Ungarn
LAURENS HOGEBRINK, The Ecumenical Movement and the Cold War. Lessons and Legacy
WERNER-CHRISTOPH SCHMAUCH, A homo politicus of Christian Background. Sketches of a 70-year political autobiography on two continents

Katalogová cena: 187 Kč
Cena pro vás: 159 Kč
159 Kč

Časopis Protestant


Milan Mrázek, pondělní přednášky
z 80. let ve sboru Brno-Husovice

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